What a great feeling to volunteer!

What a great feeling to volunteer! [¡Qué gran sensación ser voluntario]

People who volunteer in a Spanish speaking town or anywhere for that matter are very special. They give their time, share their skills and in return they are rewarded in many different ways. If you are thinking to volunteer in Spain or any Spanish speaking country (more than 20 to choose) here are some examples of common words and phrases you may see when doing your research. Volunteering is also one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the culture and history. Let us know in the comments if you want to add to this list! Also, please consider sharing your favourite volunteering websites for Spanish speaking countries!

• Patience – Paciencia
• Sense of humour – Sentido del humor
• Commitment – Compromiso
• Reliability – Confiabilidad
• Dedication – Dedicación
• Enjoy giving – Disfrute de dar

Share your Skills and / or develop your skills
Comparte tus habilidades y / o desarrollar sus habilidades

Increase Knowledge – Aumentar el conocimiento
Satisfying And Rewarding Experience – experiencia satisfactoria y gratificante
Flexibility – flexibilidad
Work well under pressure – trabajar bien bajo presión
Willing to take responsibility – dispuesto a asumir la responsabilidad
Passionate to work with people unable to help themselves – apasionada para trabajar con personas que no pueden ayudarse a sí mismos
Able to stay calm – capaz de mantener la calma
Take initiative – tomar la iniciativa
Creative – creativo
Have fun – se divierten

Author: Cacho

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